Conforming to PAT testing regulations will help you to ensure that the portable appliances within your property are safe and help you to avoid violations. PAT testing legislation was put into effect to ensure that all companies conform to the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974, Electricity at Work Regulations of 1989, Provision and Use of Work Equipment regulations of 1998 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work regulations of 1999. The current law requires that all landlords maintain portable appliances and ensure their safety. This is done through testing of the appliances to safeguard against damage and to make certain that these items perform properly.

PAT testing law requires that all landlords, employers and even self-employed individuals make sure that their portable electrical appliances are safe and are suitable and used for the purposes intended. These appliances should always be maintained properly and remain in good working order.

The guidelines are designed to make certain that this equipment is kept protected and is preserved through regular maintenance as well as inspections and periodic testing. Damage and fault can occur with all electrical equipment use which makes it essential that these items are tested regularly for safety.

PAT testing is done to ensure that all electrical equipment that is classified as "portable" is deemed safe for use. The legislation deems that a competent person can perform it by using a PAT instrument or tester. The visual examination of each appliance in addition to the actual PAT test should be performed only by someone who is deemed competent.

According to PAT testing legislation, a competent person is someone who has experience or knowledge of being able to check and test appliances for safety purposes. Those with knowledge of electricity in general as well as anyone who has experience in electrical work can be deemed capable - please don't just chose anyone because there cheap our PAT testers are fully trained and know what they are doing.

It is imperative that employers, landlords and self-employed individuals follow the rules to ensure that their workplaces are safe so if you require PAT testing for your property / properties then why not contact us now and we will get it / them sorted for you and ensure that your property / properties comply to regulations and ensure that your tenants are kept safe.